
RIPUL Board / December 11, 2023

RIPUL Board Elections


Board nominations are closed and we received 4 nominations - Anna Carr (WMP), Sydney Lombardi (WMP), Scott Martin (MMP) and Zach Raso (MMP). As mentioned in previous emails, we had 3 WMP seats available and 1 seat for either a MMP or WMP.

  1. Anna Carr and Sydney Lombardi will be joining the board! Welcome and thank you!

  2. The election for the MMP/WMP seat between Scott Martin and Zach Raso starts today! You can view the candidates' positions and vote for them via this link. Voting will close on December 18th.

  3. This will leave the board at 6 MMP and 2 WMP. We are still looking for WMP nominations to fill the 2 years remaining on a departing members term (2024 and 2025). Nominations can be submitted here and will close on January 7. If there is more than one nomination there will be a special election to fill the last seat.

For folks wondering why we didn’t just add all 4 nominees to the board to fill the 9 seats, the RIPUL Bylaws includes language to ensure that the board has representation from both MMP and WMP. “The RIUPA Board aims to match the ratio of gender expression of the membership as closely as possible.”

-RIPUL Board of Directors